In this cut-throat competitive world where everyone is in a rat-race to win the best of jobs, colleges or partners, it is extremely tough to remain centered in life, focus on your growth and move forward.


When you focus on others’feelings like jealousy, hatred and envy start to arise leading you to your downfall because now your entire attention is clouded by that other person’s actions.


If you want to remain stress-free, focus on your success. Upskill yourself. Surround yourself with people who push you to become your best self. Occupy yourself with things that you enjoy and will help you boost your career. When you keep yourself busy doing all things productive and enjoyable at the same time, there is no time for you to look around and compare.


Honestly, you don’t need to look for validation outside you to prove to yourself that you are enough. Human beings are social beings, absolutely, there is no doubt about it. However, you need validation from everyone, not necessarily. 

The Complete Guide to stay stress free : Ask yourself, Do you compete with yourself or others?