For all those who do consider mental health as an important limb of the body,
educated guess is that you would agree with the topic. Generally, people do not see
a point to go and talk to a therapist, counsellor or a third person so to say. But, it
helps. There is nothing wrong with you confiding in your family. But, when your
family cannot help you, a third person can really help you in getting clarity about
certain aspects of your life.
A person can approach a therapist/ psychiatrist or a counsellor in various
circumstances. One must note that there is a difference between the three
mentioned above.
Circumstances can include :
A death of a loved one ;
A heartbreak ;
Anxiety ;
Loneliness ;
Low Self Esteem ;
Bullying ;
Negative Body Image and so many more.
Issues can crop up at any point in life. It is not necessary that only teenagers or
young adults need therapy. It is quite possible that individuals in their 40s or late
50s might also need therapy to get out of certain experiences. It differs from person
to person. Psychology is hence referred to as a science as well as an art.
Childhood trauma can really affect a person’s psyche so one should never be quick
to draw conclusions from half baked situations. Until you don’t know the entire
backstory, don’t assume an ending. Nobody should ever feel shame in asking for
help. Therapy is one of the paths that a person may opt for. Coping strategies for
everyone cannot always be uniform and it is completely okay. Accept you need
help and rest will follow. Help shall be provided.