Is it not true? Don’t you agree? When you get criticized, we get your shortcomings
through which we can do better. Having said that, let us also look at the types of
criticism that we must pay attention to. Broadly speaking, there are two types,
constructive criticism and destructive criticism. As the name suggests, the
difference is evident.
You must invest our energy towards constructive criticism. It enables us to grow,
look at where we fell short and help us improve our skill. Remember, people
around us are always trying to voice their opinions about work, skills and qualities.
There are again two broad categories of people who would give you their criticism.
One who is just criticizing for the sake of it with no real value to add. While the
second category of critiques is the real deal. They genuinely want to see you grow
and excel and hence will not only appreciate your good qualities but honestly point
out as to where you can improvise.